Sunday School

We would love to help you find a Sunday School class that feels like home! At ESUMC, we offer a variety of classes for all ages and life stages, from young families to seasoned adults, where you can grow in faith and build meaningful connections. You’re invited to reach out directly to the class leaders listed in our church directory, or simply fill out the form below to let us know what you’re looking for. You can also email Rev. Amanda Rigby at any time—we’d be delighted to help you get connected!

Young Family Sunday School
Room 316B     10:10 AM

Join us on Sunday mornings from 10:10 AM for a chance to connect with other families with young-ish kids (birth through 5th grade) in the same stage of life, build meaningful relationships, study, and pray together - all while your kids are being well cared for and formed by our incredible Children's Ministry Team! We'll meet in room 316B, right down the hall from Sunday School classrooms

New Beginnings
Chapel     10:00 AM

Contact: Wayne Goodwin & Brook Gunter

The New Beginnings Sunday School Class is for young disciples from across Generations X, Y, and Z -- friends worshiping together, united in our devotion to Christ and His teachings. More specifically, though, our members are diverse and span several decades: our members are in college or have started a new career or a family, or have children living at home, or have had children who've recently left either for college or the nest completely, or we are otherwise moving into and within new chapters of our personal, professional, and spiritual lives. With these new chapters and new beginnings we have a hunger for the spiritual food of the Word of God. This class will help us learn to be better followers of Jesus and to support through study and fellowship our classmates who are with us on this journey.

Intentional Journey
Zoom     5:00 - 6:00 PM

Contact: Ed & Leslie Coman

The Intentional Journey Sunday School Class meets weekly on Sunday afternoons from 5:00-6:00 pm via Zoom.  We also have several in-person gatherings throughout the year.  The class is a Bible study using study materials from a variety of Christian writers including N.T. Wright, Adam Hamilton, John Goldingay and others. Our lead teacher is Ed Coman, but several other members of the class also teach including Karna Dierks, Susan Smith and Ed Turlington.  We are an intergenerational group and include folks who are married and single. All are welcome.  This is a great class for anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the Bible.  It is also the perfect class for those who may be out of town frequently (we can connect you via Zoom) or have Sunday morning responsibilities that may keep you from attending other Sunday morning classes.  For more information and the weekly Zoom link, please contact Leslie Coman (

Foundry Fellowship
Room 321     9:45 AM Announcements; 10:00 AM Lesson

Contacts: Mary Susan Fulghum, Molly Chiles, Paul Crissman, David Rockefeller

Foundry Fellowship is a large member facilitated Sunday School class with discussion around scriptural and theological book studies like those of N.T. Wright, Adam Hamilton, Will Willimon, James Howell, C.S. Lewis and others.  4-5 class members rotate teaching responsibilities throughout the year.  Once a quarter the class enjoys “Muffin Sunday” with a guest speaker presenting information on a local or global mission opportunity.  Small pastoral care groups overseen by volunteer “tenders” keep track of members’ health and well being on a regular basis, and class joys and concerns are shared weekly with class members through email updates.  We enjoy several social events every year.  Foundry welcomes and affirms persons of all ages and stages.

Francis Asbury
Room 251    10:00 AM

Contacts: Cindy Keen, Alice Sharpe, Patrice McNeill

Many years ago our class began as the young adult class.  Today that class has become the FRANCIS ASBURY CLASS for older adults. Many of our present members were in the original class. We love having new members and enjoy lessons by our members plus invited teachers.  One of our favorite lesson books is by James Moore, an inspirational writer.  We also watch an occasional video. We invited the COKESBURY-ISLEY CLASS to join us when their membership declined.  On Fifth Sundays we bring finger foods and juice and enjoy fellowship and a brief program. We have other social occasions such as picnics and Christmas parties. We meet in room 161 down the hall from the 1st floor reception desk every Sunday from 9:50 until 10:30.  Come join us!

Jubilee Sunday School
Room 357     10:00 AM

Contacts: Laura Stillman

Jubilee is a member facilitated Sunday School class with discussion around scriptural book studies like those of Adam Hamilton, as well as guest teachers and speakers.  We meet in Room 357 on the third floor of the original campus from 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM each Sunday, September – May taking a break for summer.  Our class has occasional socials outside of the Sunday school hour as well.  Jubilee welcomes all, and we celebrate that our diverse faith journeys enrich discussion and learning. We seek to deepen our faith and understanding as we strive to respond to God’s unbounded grace. The age range of  Jubilee class, while welcoming to all ages, tends to be 50’s and above. We hope that you will join us!

Young Adult Sunday School
Bulla Center Room 217     10:10 AM

Contacts: Amanda Rigby

YAM Sunday School is a weekly gathering for young adults in their twenties and thirties to pray, read scripture, and catch up. Along with our monthly evening gatherings, YAM Sunday School is an opportunity to connect with other young people in our church as we practice holy friendships together. Click here for more information about Young Adult Ministry at Edenton Street.

Interested in joining a class?

Looking for a Sunday School class that’s the right fit for you? We offer a range of classes for all ages and life stages, creating space for faith, friendship, and deep conversations. Whether you're new or just exploring your options, we'd love to help you get connected! Just fill in the form and we’ll be in touch! You can also email Rev. Amanda Rigby at any time—we’d be delighted to help you get connected!