Music and Worship Arts


Here at Edenton Street, we believe that our weekly liturgy truly is the “work of the people”. And we know that means ALL ages of people, most especially our children! Music and the arts have the power to form children as young sacred artists and powerfully lead us in worship.

Your children are invited to be a part of our ministry on Sunday evenings. We offer three groups for children in Kindergarten-5th Grade: Liturgical Dance, Children’s Choir, and Chimes/Handbells. All groups are free of charge and open to the public, as well. Children may be in all of our groups, or only selected ones. Children will learn worship leadership skills, musical and dance education, and serve in worship several times a semester!


K-5th Grade

Sunday Night Schedule

4:00-4:40 Liturgical Dance

4:40-5:20 Children’s Choir

5:20-6:00 Chimes (K-1)/Handbells (2-5)


Registration for the 2024-2025 year is Live!


Contact Mark Hopper, Interim Director of Music:

Group of children and adults in church robes holding candles inside a church setting
Group of people in purple dresses performing a dance in a church, with a table of ceremonial items and flowers in the background.


Our Youth ring seasonally in worship  in a Youth Handbells group led by Michael Clinkscales. Questions?

Email Mark Hopper, Interim Director of Music


Here at Edenton Street, we believe that our weekly liturgy truly is the “work of the people”. And, we know that the work of worship is enriched and deepened by the musical and artistic gifts of our community. You are invited to be a part of our ministry:

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir (high-schoolers and above) meets weekly on Thursdays at 7:00 pm to lead hymnody, anthems, and major works in weekly worship at The Sanctuary service. No auditions are necessary. Interim Director of Music, Mark Hopper, will help place you where you can serve in the Chancel Choir. There is a place for you here!

Wesley Ringers

This group of intermediate to advanced ringers meets weekly on Sundays at 6:30 pm to ring both a 5 octave set of handbells and a 3 octave set. The Wesley Ringers serve in worship several times a semester. Interested in learning to ring? Contact Director of Music, Mark Hopper, for training before joining Wesley Ringers! There is a place for you here!

Letourneau Organ, Op. 112

The Letourneau Op. 112 (V/97 Ranks) resides in the Sanctuary and leads congregational song and liturgy each week in worship.

Organ Specifications may be found here:


Contact Mark Hopper

Choir standing in a church with handbells and musical instruments on tables.
Choir members in robes standing around musical instruments in a church with an ornate altar backdrop.