New to Edenton Street?

Thinking about visiting? Want more details on what to expect? Here’s the basics!

What are the Worship Services like?

ESUMC has three different worship services on Sunday mornings. Each service lasts around an hour and includes a time of singing, prayer, scripture, a thought-provoking message, and weekly communion.

8:30am - Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

10:30am - The Gathering Contemporary Worship in Kerr Hall

10:30am - Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

What is there on Sunday morning for my kids?

Kids of all ages are always invited to join their families in worship! ESUMC loves to have kids as a part of worship - so all of our offerings for kids are always optional based on what’s best for your family.  All kids staff and volunteers are trained and background checked.

If you arrive with nursery age kids, stop by the nursery desk located on the second floor. The nursery is available for children from infants through Pre-K during all worship services. Our team will need a few minutes to register your child so plan to arrive about 10-15 minutes early. 

Early in the 10:30 services, kids age 3 through 1st grade are invited to join other children in worship for a prayer followed by “Wiggler Worship,” where they will participate in an age appropriate liturgy, before returning to their families for communion after the sermon.

Looking for Sunday School?

Sunday School is offered from 9:30-10:15 on the 3rd floor for rising 3 year olds through 5th grade.

  • Preschool (Ages 3 and 4 by 8/31/2024) Room 316A

  • Kindergarten and 1st Graders- Room 314

  • 2nd Graders- Room 306

  • 3rd and 4th Graders- Room 305

  • 5th Graders- Room 300

While your child/children are in Sunday School, you are invited to the Young Family Sunday School Class in room 316B which meets from 9:35-10:10.

Where do I park?

Dedicated parking is available for first time visitors in our main parking lot accessible from Dawson Street and McDowell Street between Edenton Street and Jones Street:

If you are traveling south on Dawson Street, turn left into our main parking lot between Jones Street and Edenton Street. If you are traveling north on McDowell Street, turn left into our main parking lot between Edenton Street and Jones Street.

Parking is also available at no cost in the paved lot located directly west of our main campus on the corner of Dawson Street and Edenton Streets. (This lot is managed and enforced by My Power Parking outside of regular church operating hours, but free for church goers on Sunday!)

Where do I enter?

We know it’s a big campus of almost a city block! We’re here to help! Members of our hospitality team are available to greet you at multiple entrances:

8:00 am-11:30 am: Edenton Street (enter through large glass doors or adjacent Garden Gallery or Dawson Street doors).

8:45 am-11:30 am Curtis Center Lobby (enter under the portico located in our main parking lot).

Can I take communion if it’s my first visit and I’m not a member?

Yes! As a United Methodist congregation, we welcome everyone to the table. You don’t have to be a member of ESUMC or of any church in order to partake of communion. Communion is open to people of all ages. In an effort to make communion as accessible as possible, we use grape juice and also offer gluten-free options.

Planning Your Visit?

Coming to a church for the first time can be hard! We’re here to answer your questions before you arrive or to meet you at the door and help you find the right worship space, the kids ministry, or the coffee!

Just fill in this form and we will be in touch soon!

Welcome to ESUMC

We're so glad you're here! Here are some ways for you to learn more and take the next steps to get connected at ESUMC

Coffee and Conversation // Anytime You’d Like!

Have Questions? Want to know more? Trying to find out where you plug in? Any staff member or pastor is happy to meet with you - if you don’t have someone in mind or want a great place to start the conversation, contact Rev. Ashley Griffith

New Member Interest Lunch

Every other month we host a lunch immediately following worship from 11:30-12:30 where you can have more conversations with lay leaders and pastors about the church and its mission. Come to get to know others who are also considering joining the church and learn the process of joining. Children are welcome, too! For more information contact Rev. Ashley Griffith

Take a Class (from the comfort of your couch!)

Explore what it means to be a Christian, what it means to be a United Methodist, and how to engage in the life of ESUMC in three short (10 minute) video classes taught by the pastors. Click here to access the videos. For more information contact Rev. Ashley Griffith

Serve With Us

It's not just about what we say or what we believe, it's about what we do! Come explore faith by putting your faith in action alongside other ESUMC members at one of our missions partners in Raleigh! Click here for more information or contact Renae Newmiller

One-on-One Connection

Would you like to have a phone conversation or a coffee meet up with a church member who is passionate about welcoming newcomers like you? This is a great chance to have your questions answered and learn more from someone who is active in the church. For more information contact Rev. Ashley Griffith

Prayer and Care

Are you needing some prayer and support? We have church members who are trained and equipped to come alongside you to offer confidential prayer and support. Contact Rev. Ashley Griffith or Submit to our online form here.

Small Groups

We experience deepening faith through friendship and meeting regularly to share meals and read and respond to Scripture together. Interested in a Small Group? Contact Rev. Ashley Griffith or visit our webpage.