
at Edenton St UMC

Welcome to the new newsletter page! You can find information organized below in two ways: Events and Announcements. Events include items with specific dates, organized with most forthcoming events at the top. Announcements include items not attached to specific dates.

Questions? Contact

Click to View the Announcements (Opportunities to Serve & Un-dated Updates)


Organized by date


March 9 - April 13 @ Churchwide

For every meal you and your family eat Monday - Saturday, place one non-perishable food item in a grocery bag and bring your bag to church each week.


Sundays, March 9 - April 30, 4:00 - 6:00 PM @ Kerr Hall

Join this five-week interactive event that dives deep into the mission, vision, and core values of Edenton Street UMC. Whether you're a long-time member, a newcomer, or a recent attendee, this series is an opportunity to become more connected with ESUMC. We will learn how we worship, connect, serve, give, and grow together. Each session will be held on Sunday evenings from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, and will focus on key aspects of our church life, including worship, connection, service, and giving. There will be no meeting on March 30th due to Spring Break. Register here!


Wednesdays during Lent, 12:00 - 1:00 PM @ Sanctuary & Kerr Hall

Join us each week as we worship, pray, and hear a word from a guest preacher. We'll then enjoy a simple lunch in Kerr Hall for a time of connection and companionship as we commit to Walking with Hope during this Lenten season.


Fridays, April 11th, and May 9th, 2025, 7:30 AM - 5:15 PM @ St. Francis Springs

Join us for a spiritual refresh day retreat at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center to renew your soul with connection, prayer, worship, and intentional silence.

$15 Per Person, Transportation Provided & Lunch Included

Click here to sign up!

Email with questions.


Tuesdays, Starting March 25, 5:00 - 6:00 PM @ Bulla Gym

Looking for a new way to connect at Esumc? Come and join us every Tuesday evening for Pickleball. Experienced player or never played before? All are welcome and invited to join this exciting sport and enjoy some fellowship with new friends. Bring a family member, a friend or maybe a coworker. Come and join us!


Sunday, April 6 | 10:10 - 10:50 am | Chapel/Chapel Annex

We're excited to be bringing back our Church in the City series! These gatherings are opportunities to explore issues impacting our city and world, and as Christians how we can respond. As we journey through Lent, we are reminded of our shared call to love our neighbors, welcome the stranger, and stand with the vulnerable. So on Sunday, April 6, we will have a "Welcoming the Stranger" conversation about the complexities of immigration, how people are being impacted locally, and how we can come alongside our immigrant and refugee neighbors. We will be joined by local experts involved with refugees and immigrants in our community. Hope to see you there!


2nd Wednesdays beginning April 9 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm | Room 168

The Congregational Care Ministry is excited to announce the re-launching of the ESUMC Prayer Shawl Guild! The Guild knits and crochets shawls, lap robes, baby blankets, neck scarves, and hats to be given to those facing long-term illness, experiencing grief, being baptized, or to those who are a part of the White Flag Ministry. 

Most of the knitting and crocheting will take place at home, but members will gather for an hour beginning at 2:00 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in Room 168. 

The first meeting will be held on April 9. All are welcome! A scarf or a shawl can be a very basic project, crafted with one simple stitch. Even if you have never picked up a needle or a hook, we can teach you the basics in less than an hour. To indicate your interest or for questions, please reach out to Fran Preston at


Sunday, April 13 @ Sanctuary & Kerr Hall

Come begin Holy Week at a special joint service at 10:00 on Palm Sunday. We will begin outside the doors of the sanctuary, and then the children will lead us into the sanctuary waving palm branches and singing “Hosanna.” Throughout the service of worship we will experience a dramatic retelling of the last week of Jesus’ life, from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the crowds crying “Crucify him” to the cross. Come at 9:00 am for a time of connection and fellowship. We will have coffee and refreshments and an optional prayer walk that will take you outside the church’s walls to pray for our neighbors.

  • 9:00 am - Prayer Walk @ Garden Gallery

  • 10:00 am - Joint Worship @ Sanctuary

  • 11:30 am - ‘A Place at The Table’ Lunch @ 300 W Hargett St.

***All children's Sunday School classes will meet in room 306 at 9:00 am. Mark Hopper, our Music and Worship Arts Interim, will teach the children a song for the Palm Sunday Joint Worship Service in the Sanctuary. Parents will pick up children from room 306 at 9:45 and head outside on Edenton Street. The children and their families will lead the procession into the Sanctuary waving Palms and singing the new song they learned.


Thursday, April 17, 7:00 pm @ Kerr Hall

On Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus’ Last Supper with the disciples and the new mandate he gave, “Love one another.” Come to a special joint service in Kerr Hall on Maundy Thursday. We’ll begin with a light supper of soup and bread at 6:30 followed by service of worship that will include Holy Communion, the preached word, music, and hand washing. All

ages are encouraged to attend, and Wiggler Worship will be provided for children ages 3 through first grade. We’ll conclude our worship in Garden Gallery Courtyard with a time of silent prayer as we remember Jesus’ who prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.


Friday, April 18, 7:00 PM @ Sanctuary

Join us for a meaningful Good Friday service as we reflect on Christ's sacrifice. This solemn gathering will include scripture readings, contemplative music, and time for quiet prayer. Together, we will journey through the crucifixion, embracing themes of love, redemption, and hope. All are welcome as we prepare our hearts for the joy of the Resurrection and experience God's love and grace in our shared worship.


Saturday, April 19, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM @ Sanctuary

Experience connection with God through prayer on Holy Saturday, April 19. You are invited to pray in our Sanctuary from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (please enter through the Garden Gallery) or pray where you are. Sign-up is not necessary. Prayer guides will be provided.


Saturday, April 12, 10:30 - 11:30 AM @ Fred Fletcher Amphitheater

Join families from Learning Together, ESUMC Early Childcare Program, and Door Step Ministries for a fun-filled Easter Egg Hunt. Bring an Easter Basket and a dozen cookies to share with our Community friends.


Sunday, April 20, 6:25 AM @ East Side of the Capitol in Downtown Raleigh

Please join ESUMC and 5 other downtown Raleigh churches for a multi denominational Easter Sunrise Service filled with an inspirational message, beautiful music, and fellowship. There is just something about arriving in darkness and leaving in the light that sets the tone for a wonderful Easter. You bring the lawn chairs... We'll bring the coffee!


Sunday, April 20 @ Sanctuary & Kerr Hall

This Easter, we celebrate that Hope Rises. With Christ, our hope for the future is resurrected and given new life again. We are excited to worship together to celebrate and embody this renewed hope. Join us for Easter morning sunrise worship at 6:15 AM at the Capitol, at 9 AM in The Gathering, and at 11 AM in The Sanctuary. At 10 AM, there will be chances to celebrate Easter with photos and treats to share with your whole family.

6:25 am - Sunrise Service @ Capitol Square

9:00 am - Contemporary Service @ Kerr Hall

10:00 am - Churchwide Celebration @ Commons

11:00 am - Sanctuary Service @ Sanctuary


July 7-12 @ Troutdale, Virginia

Join eStreet Youth on a backpacking adventure through the company Wilderness Trail ( Students will get into hiking groups and spend the week hiking in the Appalachian Mountains. Students must be able to hike about 35 miles over 4.5 days while carrying a full backpacking backpack. This is an incredible retreat that builds memories to last a lifetime. If you have questions before you register, simply reach out to Rush Beam.


July 20-25 @ Asheville, NC

Join eStreet Youth on a Mission Trip to Asheville! We will be joining Asheville Youth Mission for a week of service. Asheville Youth Mission is about mission, creativity, and transformation with young people. A lot of our work at AYM is planning and implementing youth mission trips for middle schoolers and high schoolers. We also use a lot of arts in our reflections on these mission experiences. We also are about partnerships. We have a lot of long term relationships with dozens of agencies in the greater Asheville area that work with our friends and neighbors who are homeless, living in poverty, food insecure, or in other ways marginalized in our society.

VBS 2025

July 21 - 25, 2025, 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Join us this summer for TRUE NORTH: Point kids to Jesus, a faithful friend we can always trust!

True North VBS will guide kids on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they'll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what's true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them that he is a faithful friend we can always trust. He's our True North!

All rising 5th graders will participate in Living Out Loud (LOL). LOL campers spend the week doing hands-on mission work and outreach, learning how to serve inside and outside of our church.

$40 per camper

Contact if financial assistance is needed.

2025 VBS Co-Chairs Jenny Myers and Katherine Shiveler

Camper Registration

Youth and Adult Volunteer Registration


Inspired by the historic Freedom Rides of the Civil Rights movement, Dr. Dumas Harshaw will lead St. Francis Springs Prayer Center's (SFSPC) first Freedom Ride on August 10 - 15. This retreat is intended to be spiritually moving and reflective. Retreat leader Dr. Harshaw is a Howard Thurman scholar and retired pastor of First Baptist Church in Raleigh, where he served for over 20 years. He has specialized his ministry to use the power of prayer and non-violent engagement to set our hopes on the "Beloved Community", where everybody is somebody. This 5-day, 4-night experience will take participants from SFSPC in Stoneville, NC to various iconic Civil Rights locations including the King Center in Atlanta, Dexter Ave. Baptist Church where Rosa Parks trained peaceful sit-ins, and then to the Legacy Museum in Montgomery, before returning back to SFSPC for a time to debrief and reflect on the experience. Learn more & sign up here.


Date                            Title/Author                                    Presenter

3/24/25                       Rap and Redemption on                Ellen Zaytoun
                                    Death Row by Alim Braxton
                                    and Mark Katz

4/28/25                        The Covenant of Water                Ann Mann
                                     by Abraham Verghesele

Each study is from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Click here to watch a recording of each presentation as they become available.