LENT 2024


40 Day Devotional Guide


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Follow along daily throughout with us this Lent as we explore the key Wesleyan emphases of holiness:

Covenant, Discipleship, Sanctification, Repentance, and Unity

This season we will journey further into love as we are more perfectly formed to tell the story of God with our head, heart, and hands.

Week 1 - A Heart for Covenant


The Examen is a daily spiritual discipline of prayerful questions created by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in order to help prime his spiritual vision to be able to see God moving and working in his life. His constant invita- tion to those he lived and worked with was to find God in all things. The Jesuits, the holy order of priests and brothers founded by St. Ignatius, order their lives in perpetual poverty, chastity, and obedience, and pray the Examen every night.

Use these five prayerful steps to find God in all things this Lenten season.

1. Attune to God’s presence. Find a comfortable position and ground yourself with deep, slow breathing. Know that God is with you, always as close as your next breath. God is with you even now.

2. Review your day. What was a consolation to you today?

*Consolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us closer to God. Consolations can be good, bad, or neutral themselves - but they are those things which usher us into the presence of God.*


3. What was a desolation to you today?

*Desolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us further away from God. Desolations can be good, or neutral themselves - but they are simply those things which draw us out of the presence of God.*


4. Give thanks for the day. Name the moments and the people and the experiences you are most grateful to God for today.

5. A Covenant is a promise made between God and human beings.

What can you promise to God in this season of confession and prayer?


Lectionary Readings

Genesis 9:8-17, Psalm 25:1-10, 1 Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:9-15

Join us for Worship this First Sunday of Lent

We are excited to welcome you to worship in-person or online at ESUMC. We will worship at 10:30 am for The Gathering and 8:30 am & 10:30 am for the Sanctuary.

The livestream and bulletin for this Sunday can be found online at esumc.org/livestream.



“God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale”

United Methodist Hymnal 122

offered by eStreet MWA Children’s Choirs

Click here for more Lenten Music



by Sam Isley

Gracious and loving God, we want our hearts to beat in sync with yours. We want to stick to our commitments, just like you stick with yours. Help us see beyond ourselves, to really get what it means to love like you do—unconditionally, generously, and without keeping score. Forgive us for the times we have sought to confine your boundless presence within the limited confines of our understanding. We confess that we have, at times, tried to fit you into a small box of our expectations, desires, and beliefs. Help us to embrace your boundless love, your infinite wisdom, and your unfailing grace. May we be open to your revelation, allowing your Spirit to work in us and through us. Forgive those times we’ve made it all about us. Show us how to live out your example of covenant in our lives: in our friendships, in our relationships, in our community—everywhere. Help us be people others can count on, people who bring a glimpse of your unwavering love into the world. Jesus showed us what true commitment looks like. So, we’re asking for a little nudge in that direction. Guide us, mold us, give us a heart for covenant and let your love spill out into everything we do. We pray you’ll help us live each day wrapped up in your love, sharing it with others. Amen.



Click Here to see this week’s artwork



Join us on Wednesday evenings this spring (2/21-3/20) for Midweek Bible Study to connect, gather around the table for dinner, and learn together. Our Bible study will focus on the scriptures being preached each week during Lent. Several pastors and laity will engage in a live recording of ESUMC’s First Read Podcast beginning at 7:00 PM each week, followed by conversation at tables and time for Q & A. We look forward to seeing you there as we journey through the Lenten season together.

Click Here for this week’s episode



As we start our Lenten journey, we want to introduce you to L’Arche NC and Learning Together. In a society that often marginalizes those with disabilities, these partners of ours stand as a testament to the transformative power of community. L’Arche and Learning Together are models for building holy friendships and empowering one another to lead the fulfilling lives God desires for everyone. In North Carolina, where over 70% of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) need affordable care and housing, L’Arche stands as a beacon of hope and compassion. L’Arche recently purchased their first home in the Triangle area. This will be a place where meals are shared, friendships are formed, and every gift is celebrated. The care model of L’Arche is unique; they provide specialized care, personalized support, and a nurturing environment where individuals with I/DD not only reside, but flourish. Additionally, L’Arche gatherings happen each week in our Bulla Youth Building, where L’Arche also has office space. Whether it’s creating art, baking treats, or doing service projects, these gatherings of people with all abilities are full of laughter and joy. Relationships are built and community takes place in the same spot our youth gather on Sunday evenings. Located on the 1st floor of our church, Learning Together envisions a future where children of all abilities and backgrounds have access to high-quality, equitable education and resources, families are equipped, and the broader community collaborates to inspire lifelong learning. This developmental day center for young children and community of resources empower children with and without developmental delays and their families with the tools and skills essential for a life of learning and success. Throughout Lent, we will be learning more about L’Arche and Learning Together, and how we can join these amazing organizations in building a more compassionate and just world, where everyone, regardless of ability, is valued and celebrated.



Throughout Lent, we invite you to join us in the spiritual practice of almsgiving - the sacrificial sharing of our resources to partner with God’s work in the world. Our hope is to raise $20,000 for L’Arche NC and Learning Together, to provide resources for Learning Together scholarships and to help to fill L’Arche’s new home. We hope you will join us as we practice living like Jesus by sharing our resources and cultivating charitable hearts! Click the links below to give resources and/or time this week.




Week 2 - A Heart for Discipleship


The Examen is a daily spiritual discipline of prayerful questions created by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in order to help prime his spiritual vision to be able to see God moving and working in his life. His constant invitation to those he lived and worked with was to find God in all things. The Jesuits, the holy order of priests and brothers founded by St. Ignatius, order their lives in perpetual poverty, chastity, and obedience, and pray the Examen every night.

Use these five prayerful steps to find God in all things this Lenten season.

1. Attune to God’s presence. Find a comfortable position and ground yourself with deep, slow breathing. Know that God is with you, always as close as your next breath. God is with you even now.

2. Review your day. What was a consolation to you today?

*Consolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us closer to God. Consolations can be good, bad, or neutral themselves - but they are those things which usher us into the presence of God.*


3. What was a desolation to you today?

*Desolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us further away from God. Desolations can be good, or neutral themselves - but they are simply those things which draw us out of the presence of God.*


4. Give thanks for the day. Name the moments and the people and the experiences you are most grateful to God for today.

5. Discipleship is ordering life in the ways of Jesus.

How are you engaging in discipleship with your head, heart, and hands?


Lectionary Readings

Genesis 17:1-7; 15-16, Psalm 22:23-31, Romans 4:13-25, Mark 8:31-38

Join us for Worship this First Sunday of Lent

We are excited to welcome you to worship in-person or online at ESUMC. We will worship at 10:30 am for The Gathering and 8:30 am & 10:30 am for the Sanctuary.

The livestream and bulletin for this Sunday can be found online at esumc.org/livestream.



“Prayer of St. Francis”

adapted by Lee Anderson

offered by The Gathering Band

Click here for more Lenten Music



by Henry Wright and Angeline Mills

Merciful God, we need you. There is war in the world, greed is abundant; we hear criticism instead of words of encouragement. We want our way instead of listening and working to compromise in unity. We have put our wants and needs above the needs of others instead of what you teach us to do. Please, we ask for your forgiveness. We want you to help us look for the good in others. You teach us to be patient, kind, and gentle. May we be obedient, joyful and faithful as we strive for a heart for discipleship. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



Click Here to see this week’s artwork



Join us on Wednesday evenings this spring (2/21-3/20) for Midweek Bible Study to connect, gather around the table for dinner, and learn together. Our Bible study will focus on the scriptures being preached each week during Lent. Several pastors and laity will engage in a live recording of ESUMC’s First Read Podcast beginning at 7:00 PM each week, followed by conversation at tables and time for Q & A. We look forward to seeing you there as we journey through the Lenten season together.

Click Here for this week’s episode




If you’ve been to a L’Arche NC event in our Bulla Youth Building, you’ve likely met Warrie. He comes to every event. He is also on the cover of the L’Arche brochure. If you meet him, he will proudly point out that he is on the front cover and sporting his UNC hat. After the L’Arche NC brochures were printed last spring, Warrie took a few copies. When asked who he was sharing them with, he said his family. The next week after an event, Warrie took a few more copies to share with his family and neighbors. At the third gathering, Warrie took another brochure. When asked, “Warrie, who is this brochure for?” He said, “Well, you know my brother passed away. We are going to his graveside this weekend. I’m going to leave this there and tell my brother he doesn’t have to worry about me anymore. I have a new crew at L’Arche.” At L’Arche NC, opportunities are provided for people to form friendships and find belonging. L’Arche believes one of the best ways to make an impact is simply by coming and being in community together. Often, people want to do something for others. Yet, one of the best gifts you can give is just being present. L’Arche has weekly gatherings in our Bulla Building for friendship and fellowship, and they would love for you to join them!



Throughout Lent, we invite you to join us in the spiritual practice of almsgiving - the sacrificial sharing of our resources to partner with God’s work in the world. Our hope is to raise $20,000 for L’Arche NC and Learning Together, to provide resources for Learning Together scholarships and to help to fill L’Arche’s new home. We hope you will join us as we practice living like Jesus by sharing our resources and cultivating charitable hearts! Click the links below to give resources and/or time this week.




Week 3 - A Heart for SANCTIFICATION


The Examen is a daily spiritual discipline of prayerful questions created by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in order to help prime his spiritual vision to be able to see God moving and working in his life. His constant invitation to those he lived and worked with was to find God in all things. The Jesuits, the holy order of priests and brothers founded by St. Ignatius, order their lives in perpetual poverty, chastity, and obedience, and pray the Examen every night.

Use these five prayerful steps to find God in all things this Lenten season.

1. Attune to God’s presence. Find a comfortable position and ground yourself with deep, slow breathing. Know that God is with you, always as close as your next breath. God is with you even now.

2. Review your day. What was a consolation to you today?

*Consolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us closer to God. Consolations can be good, bad, or neutral themselves - but they are those things which usher us into the presence of God.*


3. What was a desolation to you today?

*Desolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us further away from God. Desolations can be good, or neutral themselves - but they are simply those things which draw us out of the presence of God.*


4. Give thanks for the day. Name the moments and the people and the experiences you are most grateful to God for today.

5. Sanctification is the process of being made more holy… more like God.

When have you felt God at work in and around you?


Lectionary Readings

Exodus 20:1-17, Psalm 19:1, Corinthians 1:18-25, John 2:13-22

Join us for Worship this First Sunday of Lent

We are excited to welcome you to worship in-person or online at ESUMC. We will worship at 10:30 am for The Gathering and 8:30 am & 10:30 am for the Sanctuary.

The livestream and bulletin for this Sunday can be found online at esumc.org/livestream.



“Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly”

by Pat Barrett

offered by eStreet Youth Band

Click here for Lenten Music



by Sally Burlington

God of abundant love, We confess that we have turned away from your sacredness. We have filled our lives with excitement and stimulation in a quest for relevance. We have allowed our attention to linger too long on things that cultivate fear and not love. It is hard to understand why you would yield so many choices to us. It is easy for us to think we are our own best compass. We pray for your forgiveness. We turn to you as our source of wisdom. We know that you are always near, closer even than our next breath. Help us sense your presence at our most vulnerable moments. We ask that you mold us and shape us into the people you would want us to be. Step with us through the process of changing our systems and patterns. Grant us patience with each other as we learn together. And make us persistent to try again when we falter. May it be so. Amen.



Click Here to see this week’s artwork



Join us on Wednesday evenings this spring (2/21-3/20) for Midweek Bible Study to connect, gather around the table for dinner, and learn together. Our Bible study will focus on the scriptures being preached each week during Lent. Several pastors and laity will engage in a live recording of ESUMC’s First Read Podcast beginning at 7:00 PM each week, followed by conversation at tables and time for Q & A. We look forward to seeing you there as we journey through the Lenten season together.

Click Here for this week’s episode




Violet gives the best hugs! Just ask any of our receptionists who get to experience the joy she brings when she comes through our church doors to attend school at Learning Together’s developmental day center. Violet is three. She has Down Syndrome and has been attending Learning Together since she was twenty months old. She loves school, and loves to dance and play with her classmates. While in school, Violet receives speech, OT and PT. When asked what Learning Together has meant to her, Violet’s mom said, “It has been more than a school. The staff have been my community and are like family to me. Violet has grown so much - from taking her first steps at school to learning the social skills that have drastically improved her speech and allowed her personality to flourish.” Flourishing is what Learning Together is all about. Using the same evidence-based curriculum for all children while incorporating differentiated teaching strategies to meet the needs of each individual child, Learning Together works tirelessly to create a world where access to high-quality early childhood education is available to all children and families, with a community of resources to support their educational and personal journey beyond school. Learning Together’s story began in 1969 when Julia Williams, a teacher and Methodist missionary, opened a half-day preschool program that included children with developmental delays in Raleigh. Today, her legacy continues enabling children of all abilities to learn, grow and thrive in community together.



Throughout Lent, we invite you to join us in the spiritual practice of almsgiving - the sacrificial sharing of our resources to partner with God’s work in the world. Our hope is to raise $20,000 for L’Arche NC and Learning Together, to provide resources for Learning Together scholarships and to help to fill L’Arche’s new home. We hope you will join us as we practice living like Jesus by sharing our resources and cultivating charitable hearts! Click the links below to give resources and/or time this week.




Week 4 - A Heart for Repentance


The Examen is a daily spiritual discipline of prayerful questions created by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in order to help prime his spiritual vision to be able to see God moving and working in his life. His constant invitation to those he lived and worked with was to find God in all things. The Jesuits, the holy order of priests and brothers founded by St. Ignatius, order their lives in perpetual poverty, chastity, and obedience, and pray the Examen every night.

Use these five prayerful steps to find God in all things this Lenten season.

1. Attune to God’s presence. Find a comfortable position and ground yourself with deep, slow breathing. Know that God is with you, always as close as your next breath. God is with you even now.

2. Review your day. What was a consolation to you today?

*Consolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us closer to God. Consolations can be good, bad, or neutral themselves - but they are those things which usher us into the presence of God.*


3. What was a desolation to you today?

*Desolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us further away from God. Desolations can be good, or neutral themselves - but they are simply those things which draw us out of the presence of God.*


4. Give thanks for the day. Name the moments and the people and the experiences you are most grateful to God for today.

5. Repentance is turning from sin and death toward life.

What practices or ways of thinking do you need to repent of this Lent?


Lectionary Readings

Numbers 21:4-9, Psalm 107:1-3; 17-22, Ephesians 2:1-10, John 3:14-21

Join us for Worship this First Sunday of Lent

We are excited to welcome you to worship in-person or online at ESUMC. We will worship at 10:30 am for The Gathering and 8:30 am & 10:30 am for the Sanctuary.

The livestream and bulletin for this Sunday can be found online at esumc.org/livestream.



“God So Loved the World”

by John Stainer

offered by ESUMC Chancel Choir

Click here for more Lenten Music



by Ed Coman (inspired by Psalm 73)

Truly, God is good to the upright, to those who are pure in heart. But as for us, our feet nearly stumbled, our steps nearly slipped for we have drunk deep from the cup of our secular culture. With our lips we have praised you, O Lord, but all the while thirsting for our next drink, not from the cup of salvation, but from that false brew of the cup of our secular culture. Having become addicted to this brew, we have failed to worship you in spirit and in truth. We have neglected the poor and the needy. We have allowed our hearts to be closed to your Word. In this troubled world, we have failed to be bridges of reconciliation. We have failed to be an obedient church. Forgive us, O Lord, and by the grace of your Holy Spirit, infuse our hearts with true repentance this Lenten season. May we be ever mindful of your steadfast love, that you are always with us and that you, and you alone, are our refuge and our strength this day and all days. Amen.



Click Here to see this week’s artwork



Join us on Wednesday evenings this spring (2/21-3/20) for Midweek Bible Study to connect, gather around the table for dinner, and learn together. Our Bible study will focus on the scriptures being preached each week during Lent. Several pastors and laity will engage in a live recording of ESUMC’s First Read Podcast beginning at 7:00 PM each week, followed by conversation at tables and time for Q & A. We look forward to seeing you there as we journey through the Lenten season together.

Click Here for this week’s episode




Micah was enrolled at Learning Together at two years old. At the time, he was non-verbal, wore a weighted vest and a chew necklace to help with his sensory needs. He would bite himself and wore a helmet to prevent injury from hitting his head on the floor. Micah graduated in June of 2019 and just started 4th grade this year. He no longer has a behavioral IEP, no longer receives ABA, speech or occupational therapy, and does not require ongoing sensory support. His mom recently said in gratitude: “Learning Together was a huge asset to Micah’s development. We loved that the classes included kids with and without special needs. The teachers were excellent at working with Micah on his social/emotional skills, and gross motor skills.” Micah’s story is a success because he had access to early diagnosis and intervention. Learning Together exists to ensure every child has access to equitable early childhood education that helps them find their potential.



Throughout Lent, we invite you to join us in the spiritual practice of almsgiving - the sacrificial sharing of our resources to partner with God’s work in the world. Our hope is to raise $20,000 for L’Arche NC and Learning Together, to provide resources for Learning Together scholarships and to help to fill L’Arche’s new home. We hope you will join us as we practice living like Jesus by sharing our resources and cultivating charitable hearts! Click the links below to give resources and/or time this week.




Week 5 - A Heart for ALL


The Examen is a daily spiritual discipline of prayerful questions created by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in order to help prime his spiritual vision to be able to see God moving and working in his life. His constant invitation to those he lived and worked with was to find God in all things. The Jesuits, the holy order of priests and brothers founded by St. Ignatius, order their lives in perpetual poverty, chastity, and obedience, and pray the Examen every night.

Use these five prayerful steps to find God in all things this Lenten season.

1. Attune to God’s presence. Find a comfortable position and ground yourself with deep, slow breathing. Know that God is with you, always as close as your next breath. God is with you even now.

2. Review your day. What was a consolation to you today?

*Consolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us closer to God. Consolations can be good, bad, or neutral themselves - but they are those things which usher us into the presence of God.*


3. What was a desolation to you today?

*Desolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us further away from God. Desolations can be good, or neutral themselves - but they are simply those things which draw us out of the presence of God.*


4. Give thanks for the day. Name the moments and the people and the experiences you are most grateful to God for today.

5. Our hearts should beat for all people, all places, all of creation.

What does it mean to have a heart for all?


Lectionary Readings

Jeremiah 31:31-34, Psalm 51:1-12, Hebrews 5:5-10, John 12:20-33

Join us for Worship this First Sunday of Lent

We are excited to welcome you to worship in-person or online at ESUMC. We will worship at 10:30 am for The Gathering and 8:30 am & 10:30 am for the Sanctuary.

The livestream and bulletin for this Sunday can be found online at esumc.org/livestream.



“Come By Here”

by Kyle Pederson

offered by eStreet & Apex UMC Youth Choirs

Click here for more Lenten Music



by Sam Bullington

Dear Heavenly Father, we confess that we have not loved the desperate, the hungry, or the poor. Forgive us for our selfish and sinful actions and help us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Help us to be like the good Samaritan who responds to those who need help the most. Guide us to not only to love the people like us, but to love and care for everyone. Let us continue our prayers in silent confession. Amen.



Click Here to see this week’s artwork



Join us on Wednesday evenings this spring (2/21-3/20) for Midweek Bible Study to connect, gather around the table for dinner, and learn together. Our Bible study will focus on the scriptures being preached each week during Lent. Several pastors and laity will engage in a live recording of ESUMC’s First Read Podcast beginning at 7:00 PM each week, followed by conversation at tables and time for Q & A. We look forward to seeing you there as we journey through the Lenten season together.

Click Here for this week’s episode



Meet Mary Evelyn

Violet gives the best hugs! Just ask any of our receptionists who get to experience the joy she brings when she comes through our church doors to attend school at Learning Together’s developmental day center. Violet is three. She has Down Syndrome and has been attending Learning Together since she was twenty months old. She loves school, and loves to dance and play with her classmates. While in school, Violet receives speech, OT and PT. When asked what Learning Together has meant to her, Violet’s mom said, “It has been more than a school. The staff have been my community and are like family to me. Violet has grown so much - from taking her first steps at school to learning the social skills that have drastically improved her speech and allowed her personality to flourish.” Flourishing is what Learning Together is all about. Using the same evidence-based curriculum for all children while incorporating differentiated teaching strategies to meet the needs of each individual child, Learning Together works tirelessly to create a world where access to high-quality early childhood education is available to all children and families, with a community of resources to support their educational and personal journey beyond school. Learning Together’s story began in 1969 when Julia Williams, a teacher and Methodist missionary, opened a half-day preschool program that included children with developmental delays in Raleigh. Today, her legacy continues enabling children of all abilities to learn, grow and thrive in community together.



Throughout Lent, we invite you to join us in the spiritual practice of almsgiving - the sacrificial sharing of our resources to partner with God’s work in the world. Our hope is to raise $20,000 for L’Arche NC and Learning Together, to provide resources for Learning Together scholarships and to help to fill L’Arche’s new home. We hope you will join us as we practice living like Jesus by sharing our resources and cultivating charitable hearts! Click the links below to give resources and/or time this week.