LENT Week 3
Follow along daily throughout with us this Lent as we explore the key Wesleyan emphases of holiness:
Covenant, Discipleship, Sanctification, Repentance, and Unity
This season we will journey further into love as we are more perfectly formed to tell the story of God with our head, heart, and hands.
Week 3 - A Heart for SANCTIFICATION
The Examen is a daily spiritual discipline of prayerful questions created by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in order to help prime his spiritual vision to be able to see God moving and working in his life. His constant invitation to those he lived and worked with was to find God in all things. The Jesuits, the holy order of priests and brothers founded by St. Ignatius, order their lives in perpetual poverty, chastity, and obedience, and pray the Examen every night.
Use these five prayerful steps to find God in all things this Lenten season.
1. Attune to God’s presence. Find a comfortable position and ground yourself with deep, slow breathing. Know that God is with you, always as close as your next breath. God is with you even now.
2. Review your day. What was a consolation to you today?
*Consolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us closer to God. Consolations can be good, bad, or neutral themselves - but they are those things which usher us into the presence of God.*
3. What was a desolation to you today?
*Desolations are anything, any place, or any person that brings us further away from God. Desolations can be good, or neutral themselves - but they are simply those things which draw us out of the presence of God.*
4. Give thanks for the day. Name the moments and the people and the experiences you are most grateful to God for today.
5. Sanctification is the process of being made more holy… more like God.
When have you felt God at work in and around you?
Lectionary Readings
Exodus 20:1-17, Psalm 19:1, Corinthians 1:18-25, John 2:13-22
Join us for Worship this First Sunday of Lent
We are excited to welcome you to worship in-person or online at ESUMC. We will worship at 10:30 am for The Gathering and 8:30 am & 10:30 am for the Sanctuary.
The livestream and bulletin for this Sunday can be found online at esumc.org/livestream.
“Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly”
by Pat Barrett
offered by eStreet Youth Band
Click here for Lenten Music
by Sally Burlington
God of abundant love, We confess that we have turned away from your sacredness. We have filled our lives with excitement and stimulation in a quest for relevance. We have allowed our attention to linger too long on things that cultivate fear and not love. It is hard to understand why you would yield so many choices to us. It is easy for us to think we are our own best compass. We pray for your forgiveness. We turn to you as our source of wisdom. We know that you are always near, closer even than our next breath. Help us sense your presence at our most vulnerable moments. We ask that you mold us and shape us into the people you would want us to be. Step with us through the process of changing our systems and patterns. Grant us patience with each other as we learn together. And make us persistent to try again when we falter. May it be so. Amen.
Click Here to see this week’s artwork
Join us on Wednesday evenings this spring (2/21-3/20) for Midweek Bible Study to connect, gather around the table for dinner, and learn together. Our Bible study will focus on the scriptures being preached each week during Lent. Several pastors and laity will engage in a live recording of ESUMC’s First Read Podcast beginning at 7:00 PM each week, followed by conversation at tables and time for Q & A. We look forward to seeing you there as we journey through the Lenten season together.
Click Here for this week’s episode
Violet gives the best hugs! Just ask any of our receptionists who get to experience the joy she brings when she comes through our church doors to attend school at Learning Together’s developmental day center. Violet is three. She has Down Syndrome and has been attending Learning Together since she was twenty months old. She loves school, and loves to dance and play with her classmates. While in school, Violet receives speech, OT and PT. When asked what Learning Together has meant to her, Violet’s mom said, “It has been more than a school. The staff have been my community and are like family to me. Violet has grown so much - from taking her first steps at school to learning the social skills that have drastically improved her speech and allowed her personality to flourish.” Flourishing is what Learning Together is all about. Using the same evidence-based curriculum for all children while incorporating differentiated teaching strategies to meet the needs of each individual child, Learning Together works tirelessly to create a world where access to high-quality early childhood education is available to all children and families, with a community of resources to support their educational and personal journey beyond school. Learning Together’s story began in 1969 when Julia Williams, a teacher and Methodist missionary, opened a half-day preschool program that included children with developmental delays in Raleigh. Today, her legacy continues enabling children of all abilities to learn, grow and thrive in community together.
Throughout Lent, we invite you to join us in the spiritual practice of almsgiving - the sacrificial sharing of our resources to partner with God’s work in the world. Our hope is to raise $20,000 for L’Arche NC and Learning Together, to provide resources for Learning Together scholarships and to help to fill L’Arche’s new home. We hope you will join us as we practice living like Jesus by sharing our resources and cultivating charitable hearts! Click the links below to give resources and/or time this week.