Events &
Welcome to the new newsletter page! You can find information organized below in two ways: Events and Announcements. Events include items with specific dates, organized with most forthcoming events at the top. Announcements include items not attached to specific dates.
Questions? Contact
Organized by date
Fridays, January 10th, February 14th, March 14th, April 11th, and May 9th, 2025, 7:30 AM - 5:15 PM @ St. Francis Springs
Join us for a spiritual refresh day retreat at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center to renew your soul with connection, prayer, worship, and intentional silence.
$15 Per Person, Transportation Provided & Lunch Included
Email with questions.
Monday, January 20
To celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we are teaming up with Rise Against Hunger and our greater community to package 100,000+ meals to combat global hunger. There are several shifts to choose from throughout the day at both Marbles Kids Museum and the Rise Against Hunger warehouse. As one of the sponsors of this event, we have the opportunity to register before spots fill up by the general public. So grab your spots today! Sign up here for this fun, family-friendly event!
You should have recently received in the mail a copy of our ESUMC 2024 Impact Report, giving highlights of all the ways our church has been changing lives over the past year. As you read this report, we hope it was a reminder to you of how your financial gifts are making a difference.
During the month of January you will be hearing brief testimonials from members of our congregation about why they are investing their time, talents and financial resources in our church and we'll be asking you to prayerfully consider what your commitment will be for 2025.
You can make your financial commitment at anytime by filling out one of the commitment cards found in the Sanctuary and in Kerr Hall and placing it in the offering plate or by going online ( Sunday, February 2 will be our church-wide commitment Sunday and we hope by that date, everyone who calls Edenton Street their church home, will have stepped forward to make a financial commitment for 2025.
For those of you who were in worship on Sunday, December 29, you had a chance to participate in the Wesleyan Covenant Service. Part of that covenant says:
"We commit to give: cultivating a spirit of generosity in our lives together, as we give of our time, talents, offerings, and energies including a commitment to move toward the biblical tithe (or tenth) in our financial support of the church and its ministries."
On behalf of the church, we ask you to personally make this recommitment to our church for the coming year. Each of your gifts will make a difference in the lives of others.
The Annual Red Rose Benefit supporting the Ruth Sheets Adult Care Center will be held Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 7pm at Raleigh Country Club
The evening will include heavy hors d'oeuvres, love music, silent auction and much more! Please mark you calendars!
Sign up here
February 28 - March 2 @ Beaufort, NC
Our retreat planning team is so excited to announce that registration for the 2025 Women's Retreat is now OPEN!
Join us as we grow in faith through scripture, worship, prayer, music, friendship, and fellowship. Rev. Anna Rainey Dickson will lead us as we study Habits of the Heart and learn practices for a New Season.
We will gather February 28 - March 2, 2025 at The Beaufort Hotel in Beaufort, NC.
Tuesday, March 4, 6:30 - 8:30 PM @ Zoom
Join us for Mid-Life Aging as a Spiritual Practice: A Community Class at The Well taught by spiritual director, Rev. Joyce Coffman. This class explores bringing the spiritual life and work life together. It is intended for those who feel they have moved past the "striving and competitive" nature of the workplace and who want to experience a different definition of success. This course is designed for mid-lifers currently working or soon to be retirees who are exploring the integration of spiritual practices in their work-life.
This virtual course will be hosted on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 PM on Zoom from March 4th to April 15th, 2025. The cost of the class is $200 per person and covers all materials - including Richmond's book and a class workbook developed by Rev. Joyce Coffman. Registration is due no later than January 31, 2025.
To register, go to:
Thursday, March 6, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM @ The Well
Join us for Practices of Spiritual Growth & Formation, a class where you will explore the meaning of spiritual growth and formation alongside others who are seeking spiritual depth. Rev. Joyce Coffman will teach this class with the intention of meeting participants exactly where they are on their spiritual journey. Various practices and disciplines will be introduced and discussed, along with some in-class experiential learning. This course is designed for anyone interested in deepening their spiritual growth and seeking to learn more.
This class will meet at The Well on Thursdays, 10 AM - 12 PM, from March 6, 2025 - April 17, 2025 (7 sessions total). The total cost of the course is $225. To learn more and register, go to:
July 21 - 25, 2025, 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Join us this summer for TRUE NORTH: Point kids to Jesus, a faithful friend we can always trust!
True North VBS will guide kids on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they'll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what's true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them that he is a faithful friend we can always trust. He's our True North!
All rising 5th graders will participate in Living Out Loud (LOL). LOL campers spend the week doing hands-on mission work and outreach, learning how to serve inside and outside of our church.
$40 per camper
Contact if financial assistance is needed.
2025 VBS Co-Chairs Jenny Myers and Katherine Shiveler
Youth and Adult Volunteer Registration
Date Title/Author Presenter
1/27/25 The Presence of Absence Lucinda MacKethan
by Simon Van Booy
2/24/25 Long Island Ned Hill
by Coln Toibin
3/24/25 Rap and Redemption on Ellen Zaytoun
Death Row by Alim Braxton
and Mark Katz
4/28/25 The Covenant of Water Ann Mann
by Abraham Verghesele
Click here to watch a recording of each presentation as they become available.
No specific dates
We will be transitioning our door security functions in the new year from a universal code to individually assigned key cards. The building will be accessible during normal operating hours without a key card or a code just as it is now by using the Curtis Center entrance M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pmor the Sanctuary or Garden Gallery doors on Sundays from 8:00am-12:00 pm. (The Curtis Center Doors will remain open from 8:45 am-11:30 am on Sunday mornings).
If you would like to request a key card that will allow you access to the building outside of regular operating hours, please submit a request through this form. Requests will be considered on a case by case basis.
Click here to request a key card.
Do you enjoy making soup, chili, or baked goods? Does it bring you joy to greet and welcome people into our church spaces? Does gathering with others to prepare sandwiches and snacks sound like a fun way to serve? Would setting up or taking down cots help you feel connected to our guests? If so, we'd love to have you join our White Flag Hospitality Team! On nights when the temperature or windchill is expected to be 35 degrees or below, White Flag shelter sites open up in our community for men, women, and families who are experiencing homelessness. This year, our Bulla building will serve as the White Flag site for women on Wednesday evenings and as a potential back-up site on other nights. Our hope is to cover these women with love and hospitality during their time with us. Sign up here to get involved!
Are you interested in helping to rebuild homes, communities, and lives after disasters hit? If so, we'd love for you to join our Disaster Response Team. There will be plenty of opportunities in the upcoming months to serve in Western North Carolina as well as in other NC areas that still need help from previous disasters. From mucking out mud to building relationships, there are many roles to fill with varying skill sets. To join our team, please fill out this survey. Have questions? Contact Suzanne Botts We'd love for several of our team members to get Early Response Training. Click here for upcoming training dates.
You are invited to order a permanent nametag to wear to church on Sundays. Please sign up here to order a nametag.
Below we share with you the death of loved ones in our Edenton Street community. Please take a moment to offer prayers of gratitude for their life and for their family as we grieve this loss together.
Our sympathies go out to the family and friends of Scott Harmer, who died December 7, 2024.
Our sympathies go out to Lesley Day and her family in the recent loss of her father.
Our sympathies go out to the family and friends of Elizabeth Derreth, who died December 20, 2024.
To view funeral livestreams, click here.
To sign up for death and funeral emails, click here.
Volunteering for eStreet Kids Sunday morning Ministries is a fun and rewarding experience and we want you! We are looking for youth (6th grade and above) and adults of any age to help serve as Sunday School and Wiggler Worship leaders and helpers.
The time commitment for Sunday School Helpers and Leaders is 9:15-10:15am.
Lesson plans will be sent via email the beginning of each week and all materials be ready when you arrive on Sunday morning.
Sunday School will kick off for the fall on September 8th.
Wiggler Worship is during the 10:30am services.
For Wiggler Worship, you will sign up to walk children from either the Gathering or Sanctuary. You can also sign up to lead the lesson!
Sunday School Trainings will be offered August 18th and September 22nd from 9:45-10:15am in the Library.
If you have questions, or want to learn more, email Shannon Montague, Director of Children and Family Ministries, at
Join us Sundays, 4:00 - 6:00 PM as we train our children to be worship leaders through the arts! All children in Grades K-5th are invited to participate as we learn about music, dance, singing, and leading in worship! You may participate in one, two, or all three of our areas:
Liturgical Dance | 4:00-4:40 | Room 357
Children's Choir | 4:40-5:20 | Room 161 (K-1st Grade) or Choir Annex (3rd-5th Grade)
Handbells/ Handchimes | 5:20-6:00 pm | Room 161 (K-2nd) and Choir Annex (3rd-5th Grade)
Questions? Message Dr. Filippa:
Do you love to sing? We'd love for you to join the Chancel Choir this fall! We are a fun-loving group of singers that meet weekly to lead worship at the 10:30 Sanctuary service. We rehearsal on Thursdays at 7 pm and welcome all voice parts to our group. All youth and adults are invited.
Contact Dr. Filippa Duke ( to learn more about our ministry and how you can be a part of the choir community at Edenton Street!
Congratulations to Katie & Sammy Hobgood on the birth of their son, Shepherd Dark Hobgood, on November 26, 2024!
Congratulations to Alan and Aly (Stanley) Hethcoat, on the birth of their son, Ross Burton Hethcoat, on November 26, 2024!
Have you or someone you know had a baby? We want to know! Please fill out this form and submit so we can welcome and support our families.
You are not alone. In a hurting world, Edenton St. has people who can be Christ’s presence to walk with you and pray for you during difficult times. There are multiple ways you can submit a request for Prayer + Care.
• Online- Prayer Request
• Prayer + Care Request Cards: Boxes are located in the Narthex, Garden Gallery Welcome Wagon, Kerr Hall Lobby (Gathering), and the Curtis Center Lobby and can also be placed in the offering at any of our three worship services.
• On the reverse side of the request cards, you will find the website / App path, mailing address, and church phone number.
You are not alone.
If you are part of an organization that needs event space, please consider using our church's beautiful facilities!
Our Facility Use Policy, which was written and adopted by our Board of Trustees in 2022, exists to identify opportunities for persons or organizations to rent our facilities for a fee. All requests are carefully vetted and fees determined based on a tiered structure outlined in our Facility Use Policy. Please note, all church sponsored events take precedence over outside event rentals!!
Since the adoption of this policy, we have rented our space to many corporate entities, non profit organizations, and individuals wishing to use our facilities for meetings, recitals, basketball tournaments and even children's birthday parties. If you or someone you know wishes to rent our facility for an outside event, please use this link to submit a request.
Have you ever thought about blessing our traditional service with altar flower donations? It can be from a study group, Sunday School class, family, several families, a memorial, or a celebration and more. If you are interested, please contact Lewanna Stout at and she will lead you through the process.
At ESUMC, we use four elements to form our decisions. These are: prayer, discernment, consensus and communication. Prayer is at the top of that list. As we move through a challenging season, we lean on prayer more than ever before. Therefore, we are providing some tools to guide your individual prayer practices. By clicking here, you can find three methods of connecting with God in tangible ways. May this be a blessing to you.
We are in search of more Sunday morning greeters to offer God's welcome to all who enter our doors on Sunday mornings. If you are looking for a way to plug into a new ministry, and feel a call to welcoming others into our church family, we invite you to serve as a Sunday morning hospitality servant. For more information about joining the Sunday morning hospitality team, please fill out this form.
We would love for you to join our dedicated team of weekday receptionists to offer God's welcome to all who enter our doors! No computer skills necessary, and training will be provided. For more information, please fill out this form, or email Lewanna Stout at
Are you a church member with basic maintenance and handy person skills? We invite you to join our new ministry group, "Fixer Uppers"! As part of this group, you will have the opportunity to volunteer your time and skills to perform basic punch list projects around the church. Help us keep our church in tip-top shape and create a welcoming environment for everyone.
If you're interested in joining the Fixer Uppers ministry group, please fill out this form, or contact Brian McGuire at
Nursery (ages 3 months-3 years old) 8:15-11:30
Sunday School (ages 3 years old- 5th grade) 9:45-10:15
Wiggle Worship (ages 3 years old-2nd grade) During the 10:30 services.
Worship Bags with Activities available in for all services for ages 2nd through 5th grade.)
If you have any questions or would like to know more, reach out to Shannon Montague, Director of Children's and Family Ministries.
Our Doorstep Ministry helps vulnerable neighbors avoid homelessness by providing financial assistance with rent and utilities to get them over a bump in the road such as an unexpected medical bill, car repair, or temporary job loss. You can help a family stay in their home or keep their utilities on by donating to this vital ministry. Give here.