Care Ministries

The Caring Ministries aim to connect and care for Edenton Street UMC and the city of Raleigh. There are multiple levels of care offered:

Connection and Care

The purpose of the Connection and Care Hub is to connect those who are unable to attend in-person worship with the hospitality of ESUMC and the body of Christ through visitation, worship, and communication.

Hospital/ Surgery/ Rehab Caring

To provide Christ's love and faith-based support to members of the ESUMC Congregation and others in the community who are in the hospital, surgery centers or rehabilitation centers.

Long Term Illness Care

This hub cares for those persons who have a long-term illness or injury and will require care for an indefinite length of time.

End of Life Care Hub

The purpose of the End of Life Care Hub is to provide spiritual care, love, and support to care recipients and their families as they approach the end of life. During this difficult time, we walk alongside the care recipients and their families as they transition to the light, being the hands and feet of Jesus

Grief Care

The purpose of the Grief Care Hub is to remind you of God's promise: You are not alone.  The Edenton Street church family will embody Christ’s presence to comfort and support you through your grief journey. We will honor the grieving process, knowing the hope and healing of Christ’s joyous love.

SErve on Care Hubs

We are always looking for caring people to serve in this ministry. Whether you have 2 hours a year or 200 hours a year, Care Hubs can use you!

CONTACT: Rev. Ashley Griffith